Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Mojo: Accepting your Hair, Curly, Kinky, Wavy or Straight!

Just to be up front, this advice is for curly girls and wavy girls, but lots of it does apply to straight-haired girls as well!
I am very grateful to have my hair. I definitely understand that it's probably the most irritating part of my physical self, but I have learned to accept my curly hair for what it is: A gift.
Let me start by telling you my curl story. For my entire life, my hair has been curly. All through my childhood, my curls simply cascaded from my head and I didn't give it much of a second thought- I surely didn't think of myself as different. Then I hit that "awkward stage" in my life, where I was a bit of a chub and my hair was never it's best, to say the least. My thinking was that if I brushed my hair, it'd look good. That was my first mistake. Anyway, throughout middle school, my hair-brushing-once-it's-dried had eventually stopped (although I will never live those pictures down.), but I began to feel that I was different. The type of different where you feel like you stand out because you're different and nobody likes you for it. I truly thought that my curly hair caused me to have less friends. I went through a series of experiments on my hair (which were probably damaging, now that I think about it) including loading it with mousse, gel, hairspray, straightening product and so much more. I went through a stage where I straightened my hair for a long while. Anything to change my natural hair. Now, I know that my curly hair is actually why one of my now best friends noticed me. It's why I now feel more confident about myself and feel like I can truly express who I am.
So, now that you have my story, I'd like to share some things I've learned along my painful, experimental journey with my hair ;) Here is some helpful advice to help you accept your hair type and learn to rock what you've got!

  1: Learn that you are who you are, with your hair because God made you that way. Everyone is put together in a way where everything fits together. When you change something about you, people may not know what you look like, but I find that about 100% of the time, the person's natural state is super beautiful! Soo...
  2: Try the "cold- turkey" natural Challenge! Find a few weeks where you won't see many people if you must
, but try going 2-3 weeks without doing things like straightening, curling, spiking, etc. to your hair. However, you can use some products. I use a leave-in conditioner spray so my curls aren't totally frizzy, but this will help you discover your natural hair state.
  3. Take the "Operation Beautiful" Challenge. This Challenge helps with over all self-image encouragment. In doing it, you will not only learn to accept yourself, but you will find beauty in others, too. Click Here for more info. Also, see my other Monday Mojo blog post about self-image.
  4. Know that you're not alone! Others go through the exact same problems you do! I have researched hours and hours over my hair issues and found many answers and others that I have answers for! When people have problems, they post about it on the net, so go out there and find it!
  5. Don't get frustrated with all those "straighten your hair first" tutorials for cute hair styles! Usually, right after they straighten it, they will have you put texture-izing cream/gel in your hair. You know what's better than texturizing cream?? That's Right, Curly or Wavy Hair! Seriously, though, the hairstyle might not be slicked back, but it will most likely still be cute, so go with it!

Have any other advice for Curly or Wavy haired girls in distress? Drop a comment below! We'd all love the support :) Feel Beautiful, my lovelies!

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